
For an enviable financial statement, implement a robust tax plan This is the third post in Joel’s series 2016 / 2017 Tax Planning Guide: Year-Round Strategies to Make the Tax Laws Work For You. Running a profitable business these days isn’t easy. You have to operate efficiently,...

Tax planning for your investments: What you need to know for 2016/2017 This is the third post in Joel's series 2016 / 2017 Tax Planning Guide: Year-Round Strategies to Make the Tax Laws Work For You. Tax planning for investments demands careful thought. You must consider the tax consequences...

Family and education tax breaks make raising kids less costly This is the second post in Joel's series 2016 / 2017 Tax Planning Guide: Year-Round Strategies to Make the Tax Laws Work For You. Raising children and helping them pursue their educational goals — or pursuing your own — can...

Timing income and deductions to your tax advantage for 2016/2017 This is the first post in Joel's series 2016 / 2017 Tax Planning Guide: Year-Round Strategies to Make the Tax Laws Work For You. Usually it makes tax sense to accelerate as many deductible expenses into the current tax...